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Hogwarts U.

The future of higher education may lie in the English-speaking world's oldest model of university organization, writes Robert O'Hara.

NCAA Panel Disses the Faculty

Asked to examine problems in college sports, committee of presidents blames the other guys, the professors, writes Tom Palaima.

Application for U. of Iowa Presidency

Wick Sloane, already a nominee for the Harvard job, explains what he'd do if tapped for the still open position at one of America's great public universities.

Where's Herman?

The guy featured on the poster had a long white beard and dark black sunglasses, the kind worn by people...

Who's the Boss?

"I wasn't anybody's superior." --Amélie, in Fear and Trembling One way to characterize work in higher education: It has no...

After the Vote, Moving On

Michigan's abolition of affirmative action doesn't end colleges' responsibility to promote diversity; it only changes the tactics, writes Russell Olwell.

Time to Team Up with Teach For America

As colleges watch graduates pour into the teachers' corps, they should work to support the program and the participants, Daniel R. Porterfield writes.

Ignorant of Their Ignorance

Shari Wilson writes about students and their inability to predict their academic performance -- and why their instructors should worry.