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Double Haiku on MLA Interviewing

After getting reports on the job search process at the convention, Will Hochman turns to poetry.

Friends and Colleagues

With help from Susan Sontag and Bernard Malamud, Terry Caesar wonders just how close we should be with those with whom we work.

A New Form of Academic Engagement

Let’s embrace the Ph.D. in creative writing as a way to connect the disciplines, David Gruber writes.

The Academy and the Duke Case

KC Johnson writes that the latest news about the lacrosse party incident points not only to the D.A.'s failings, but to faculty biases.

Tenure Track Poetry

David Galef's look at faculty life, this time in verse.

Criticism, Character and Tenure

Scott McLemee talks with Geoffrey Galt Harpham about his new book on Scarry, Nussbaum, Žižek, and Said -- and what the analysis says about the academy.

Kicked Out

Cary Nelson writes about a day he was ordered out of a classroom -- and the reminder that day provided about the value of academic freedom.

Comprehending the Light

Winter solstice prompts Amy Wink to consider the vibrancy of color, language and writing.