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Sotomayor and Our Future

While the Supreme Court nomination is significant for discussions of race and higher education, Sarita E. Brown writes that much of the rhetoric is overstated.

Less Research, More Economies of Scale

That's Joseph T. Johnson's prescription for how to contain undergraduate tuition -- and "rationalize the classroom" -- at public universities.

Adventures in Web Publishing

Douglas J. Amy opted to put his book online rather than seek a conventional scholarly publisher. He's glad he did.

How Tweet It Is

Is microblogging the shortcut to generating buzz for university press books? Scott McLemee works up the attention span to find out....

The New 'A

Here’s a ray of hope to restore prestige and morale to our beleaguered flagship state universities: let’s have “A&M” stand...

The Kindle Factor

Charles Crowell reviews his own experience using readers in courses -- and sees both financial and pedagogical benefits.

A Crisis of Ethic Proportion

If tenure and peer review are under attack, the professoriate may have brought it on itself through failure to defend its social contract, Neil W. Hamilton argues.

Helping Those With the Greatest Need

Federal policy needs to change to support our capacity to serve low-income, minority students, write Marybeth Gasman and Gary Rhoades.