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Limited Partnership

What can India learn from American higher education? Not much, writes Philip G. Altbach.

Student Success, in the Classroom

Too many campus efforts are on the margins of the classroom and do not change what actually happens within, writes Vincent Tinto: Let's focus on expectations, support, feedback and involvement.

Guerrilla Librarians in Our Midst

Their slogan is "Literacy, Legitimacy, and Moral Authority." Scott McLemee hears from the book people of Occupy Wall Street.

How to Reform Testing

Robert J. Sternberg considers why efforts to improve admissions tests stall or result in only cosmetic changes, and suggests strategies to promote meaningful changes.

Worried? I'm Terrified

Too much discussion of reform in higher education is directed to encouraging educators to jettison effective methods of teaching and learning for untested and potentially ineffective approaches, writes Daniel F. Sullivan.

An Open Letter to OCR

A student affairs administrator explains how sexual assault guidance from the Education Department's civil rights office hurts campuses and students.

Want Innovation? Remove the Barriers

True change will emerge only when colleges face competition, writes Peter Stokes, who calls for a federal “demonstration program” to let new entities offer degrees.

The Return of Paul Goodman

A new documentary explores the life and influence of a major American social critic. Scott McLemee revisits a practical utopian.