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Sunspots and Poetry

Scott McLemee reviews Tracy Daugherty's Dante and the Early Astronomer: Science, Adventure and a Victorian Woman Who Opened the Heavens.

A Strategy for Campus Belonging

Catherine Epstein describes the importance of building community through intellectual pursuits and how small, intensive learning communities can help overcome the divides on campuses today.

Leading Without an OPM in the Age of ‘Bigger Is Better’

Building and managing their own online programs helps institutions transform themselves and prepare for the future, Vin Del Casino and Evie Cummings argue.

High-Impact Practices Work

At a time when some people question the value of higher education, preparing students for successful, satisfying lives through such practices is crucial, argues Richard F. Vaz.

Ethical College Admissions: Oklahoma Unranked

The false data reported by the University of Oklahoma for years raises questions about more than one institution's dishonesty, writes Jim Jump.

Let's End the Guessing About Test Security

David Benjamin Gruenbaum writes that it's not just the admissions scandal that demonstrates the need for reform.

Public University Budgets: Not Always So Simple

Administrators must manage a complex set of internal subsidies and cross-subsidies, yet dictates from on high run counter to this reality, argues Michael Martin.

All Fall

Scott McLemee offers a roundup of books from this coming autumn's university press catalogs and more.