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Ethical College Admissions: Fool Me Twice

What possible reason could the parents in the latest admissions scandal have had, writes Jim Jump.

We Must Have Both

Higher education institutions must work to bolster the security of their research without sacrificing openness and collaboration, write Peter McPherson and Mary Sue Coleman.

Foxy Logic

Scott McLemee continues his review of Catherine Lyall's Being an Interdisciplinary Academic: How Institutions Shape University Careers.

Uniform Rules to Protect Access

The state authorization fiasco in California is the sort of unintended consequence that can occur when policy makers impose rules only on one sector of higher education, writes Steve Gunderson.

Don’t Just Revile Amy Wax -- Rebut Her

Outrage does not and cannot refute what she said -- only facts can do that, argues Jonathan Zimmerman.

Taking Trans Lives Seriously

It is not permissible to debate in some academic parlor game the lives of people who are oppressed and murdered, writes Mark Lance.

Ethical College Admissions: Rightsizing

George Washington U's plan to shrink is worth watching, writes Jim Jump.

Platinum Parachutes Revisited

Perhaps it is time for college and university governing boards to consider whether current and future students should have to pay for failed presidencies, argue James Finkelstein and Judith Wilde.