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An Ahistorical Argument About Asian-American Bias

A critique of affirmative action fails to account for the flawed data used to "prove" bias.
The book cover for Denise Gigante’s Book Madness: A Story of Book Collectors in America.

A Book of Books

Scott McLemee reviews Denise Gigante’s Book Madness: A Story of Book Collectors in America.

Rising Production Cost – and Rising Resentment

The reasons why higher ed costs so much to produce also explain why historical esteem for higher education has shifted to resentment, write Bruce A. Kimball and Sarah M. Iler.

The L Word

Any serious effort to engage faculty in the student success movement will require grappling with the realities of faculty labor and limits on their time, Jody Greene writes.

Addressing Antisemitism as a DEI Priority

Professional development opportunities can improve campus administrators’ understanding of antisemitism and Jewish identity, Naomi Greenspan writes.

Congress Should Fix Financial Aid Offers

A task force won’t do the trick: congressional action is needed to address the problem of misleading financial aid offers, Wesley Whistle writes.

Is College Too Hard?

With students highly stressed even when they are studying less, educators need to understand how much homework is helpful, David Wippman and Glenn C. Altschuler write.

Students and Teachers Want Video. Where Will It Come From?

It’s time for providers and distributors to step up more and include video as an integral part of learning materials, writes ed-tech investor Vera Song.