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Ignore the Hype. College Is Worth It

Improvements are certainly long overdue in the way higher education institutions operate, writes Anthony P. Carnevale, but the value of a college degree in the workplace is without question.

The Other Student Debt Jubilee

New data show that graduate students are earning windfall benefits with income-based repayment, Jason Delisle writes, arguing that the federal programs are providing the largest benefits to those who need them least.

Preserving At-Risk Public Universities as Economic Engines

State appropriations originally intended to subsidize higher education based on enrollment are being redeployed to prop up colleges that are financially struggling, writes Christopher Fiorentino, who recommends a new approach.

Community College Transfer: Everyone Benefits

Community college students are not just focused on vocational skills training but are also as committed to learning for its own sake as the students in selective liberal arts institutions, argues Michael Thurston.

Test Optional -- Maybe Not

The arguments are weak, writes Raymond A. Brown.

It’s Time to Get Rid of Distribution Requirements

We should redesign gen ed so that it doesn't package students' learning in a way that treats them as uninterested, unintellectual and incapable, argues Paul Hanstedt.

Ethical College Admissions: Coaching for Poaching

A new report from EAB suggests that poaching may become widespread, but that doesn't make it wise, writes Jim Jump.

The Mind of the Moralist

Scott McLemee ruminates on the passing of literary critic George Steiner.