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Mindful Pleasures

Scott McLemee explores upcoming university press books on intellectual vitality.

Ultimate Villain of Varsity Blues? Selfish and Shortsighted Universities

The tendency of America's most famous universities to prioritize elegant campus life over learning has created the cutthroat culture at the core of the admissions scandal, Ryan Craig writes.

Getting Campuses Ready for the Coronavirus

What should leaders be doing to prepare their colleges if the situation worsens? Chuck Staben offers suggestions.

The Case Against Education as Usual

College is still a promising investment, but the increasingly dynamic labor market requires a much more deliberate emphasis on the soft or human skills that we often claim to be cultivating passively, argues Terry McDonough.

An Open Letter on Student Debt

Our students deserve better than the mess our lending policies have created, 73 scholars write.

FAFSA for All

Requiring it would increase the chances that more low-income students go on to college as well as significantly improve the ability of the federal government to make good policy, argues Catharine B. Hill.

Ethical College Admissions: Early Decision De-Commitment

The rules are different, putting counselors in an awkward situation, writes Jim Jump.

The New Ground Rules for Admissions

The Justice Department has failed colleges and students, writes John L. Mahoney.