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Where's the Data?

You see it all the time, in the brochures and advertisements from liberal arts colleges and other non-gargantuan institutions. "Small...

Do We Assess Learning? Pull Up a Chair...

Even knowing what questions to ask about how colleges teach and students learn is difficult, says Bernard Fryshman. The answers? How much time do you have?

It's All About the Oil

A friend recently noted that this week’s column would probably run at just about the time the Chinese government was...

My Meeting With Bill and Melinda Gates

Wick Sloane offers guidance on the Gates Foundation’s bold plan for doubling the number of low-income Americans with postsecondary credentials.

The Innumeracy of Intellectuals

Why is it acceptable for professors outside the sciences to feel no shame or even to take pride in their lack of knowledge of math and science, wonders Chad Orzel.

Homework for Profs: Perfect the Art of Teaching

Even at teaching-oriented colleges, writes Kim Mooney, it's essential for faculty members to rejuvenate their classroom skills.

Pre-Med Education Must Be Compatible with Liberal Arts Ideals

Undergraduate institutions can't be reduced to "farm clubs" for "big league" medical schools, writes Timothy R. Austin.

Lucy in Disguise

Three years ago, an undercover agent in Maryland spied on activists. Scott McLemee finds her description in a sociologist's article from 1974.