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Transforming Terror

If 9/11 "changed everything," what did killing Osama bin Laden do? Scott McLemee looks at an anthology on the climate of terror.

Beyond Tweets and Blogs

Colleges need to remember that embracing social media is no substitute for a strategy, writes Kevin Tynan.

Commencement Cash Cow

Speakers should be ashamed of charging to appear, and colleges should stop offering the money, writes Pablo Eisenberg.

Mothers in Higher Education

Stephanie McNulty expresses gratitude for the progress women of her generation have made – but envisions what must be done to make academe even friendlier for the next one.

Take My Degree Back

After seeing the way CUNY's board treated Tony Kushner, Ellen Schrecker wants to return the honorary doctorate she received.

My Chancellor's Crazy. And I Love It.

When I first heard about it, I said to myself, “How do I kill this idea?” My chancellor wanted to...

Atlas Shrunk

Ayn Rand's magnum opus took 54 years to put on the screen. Scott McLemee is underwhelmed by the result.

A Truly New Genre

The scholarly video-book isn't just about different media, writes Alexandra Juhasz. It's about rethinking the idea of authors, readers, time and more.