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A Dogged Pursuit

Scholarly books can be a strain on the eyes and the pocketbook alike. Scott McLemee wonders if academic presses have found an answer in blogging....

To Debate or Not to Debate Intelligent Design?

Gerald Graff, who coined the phrase "teach the controversy," applies it to the issue of the moment.

Inquiring Minds Want to Know

Is Bush drinking? Scott McLemee ventures into the world of tabloid scholarship.

The President and the World

Terry Caesar explains why we need the leaders who run campuses -- and why they are mysteries to those they lead.

Is It Time to Shut Down Engineering Colleges?

Domenico Grasso writes that they need a radical overhaul -- and a lot more liberal arts.

Things Done in Secret

A new book recounts Harvard's purge of gay students in 1920.

Semiotics 101

Robert Weir offers a guide for first-year students on how their excuses will be understood by their professors.

Class Dismissed

Pennsylvania attorney general shutters "diploma mill" and launches litigation offensive against the owner.