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The Equity Gap in State Funding

Kevin Carey wonders why K-12 financing systems that favor wealthier districts end up in court, but higher education financing systems aren't subjected to similar scrutiny.

Crafting a New Credo

David Galef recounts the U of All People's imperfect attempt to update its institutional principles after 50 years of gathering dust.

Higher Ed's Changing Economic Landscape

Recent decisions by a number of our major private institutions are changing the higher education financial landscape significantly and quickly...

Shaping a Life of the Mind for Practice

William M. Sullivan and Matthew S. Rosin call for a new approach to thinking about the curriculum.

In Search of Max Faber

A polemical book takes aim at African-American public intellectuals. Scott McLemee represents....

No Faculty Left Behind

Marc Bousquet considers the tensions between adjunct and tenure-track faculty members over efforts that he thinks need a united stance from professors.

It's the Student Work, Stupid

Last week, my dean touted our college's rise in the U.S. News & World Report ranking of graduate colleges of...

The Problem 'Too Big to Be Seen'

Wick Sloane discusses some of the heartrending stories he encounters embedded in the community college landscape.