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Stop Using Rhetoric to Teach Writing

It's time to question an increasingly popular way to organize a key part of undergraduate education, writes Joseph Kugelmass.

Hey, RIAA and MPAA, Time to Shift Gears

Entertainment companies should stop policing illegal downloading by college students, Joseph Storch argues, and head to the new frontier: the mobile device as all-purpose media-access machine.

A Call for a Higher Education Summit

Arthur Levine writes that colleges could easily miss an opportunity offered by the presidential transition, but that the right kind of conclave could make this a constructive moment for tackling key issues.

International Study Shouldn't Be Elective

Every American decade has its archetypes. If you were heading off to business school in the 1980s, you might have...

The Economic Collapse and Educational Values

Ralph Hexter sees similarities between the reward structures of the business world and the college world -- and thinks academics should offer a different model.

Becoming Susan Sontag

An author's diaries are where the will to write is forged. Scott McLemee sneaks a guilty peek.

Sighing in Cyberspace

Maria Shine Stewart reflects on her experiences -- including a little trauma -- on her personal flight with technology.

The Propaganda of International Comparisons

Reports misusing data on other countries’ populations and performance to show the failures of U.S. higher education also miss the ways those countries are really ahead of us, writes Clifford Adelman.