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'Economy of Attention'

It is not only people living on islands who count as insular -- etymology notwithstanding. Consider a recent piece by...

Going Public

It's time for all colleges to release an understandable report on how they measure learning, and accreditors should require such disclosure, writes Douglas C. Bennett.

The Transgender Athlete

Colleges and athletic departments need new policies to promote opportunity for everyone to participate in sports programs, write Pat Griffin and Helen Carroll.

Reconsider the Credit Hour

Higher education leaders should work together to find an alternative to the Carnegie Unit for measuring academic credit -- unless they want the government to impose one, writes Steven D. Crow.

The Carnegie Unit: Articulate and Expressive

There is no national emergency, writes Bernard Fryshman: Higher education's longstanding method of defining academic credit remains valid today.

Putting the Ph.D.'s to Work

Even old news can be dismal, and that is the case at hand. For about 40 years, by my calculation...

Meatball Surgery of the Mind

The psychiatric emergency room is where people have the worst day of their lives. Scott McLemee recommends a gripping memoir.

Janus Generation

Are students lazy, technologically sophisticated or both? Jerry Pattengale evaluates the evidence.