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The Other Student Debt Crisis

There’s a pernicious college finance problem you haven’t heard of, David Scobey warns: the nonpayment of institutional fees and charges that blocks many thousands of students from graduating or re-enrolling.

‘Bible Nation’

Scott McLemee reviews Bible Nation by Candida R. Moss and Joel S. Baden, which chronicles the founding and development of the new Museum of the Bible in Washington.

Coping With Plagiarism

Wayne Stauffer offers a few strategies for minimizing it.

Avoiding Missteps in Online Programs

Anthony Piña says there are six ways institutions stumble in terms of distance education and provides tips and advice for how to avoid them.

Restructuring -- and Re-Missioning -- the University of Wisconsin System

Will merging institutions strengthen the system or hasten its decline, asks Tara DaPra, who has taught at one of its four-year universities as well as in its community colleges.

Responding to the New Title IX Guidelines

If colleges choose to increase the standard of proof, they should recognize the impact it will have and prepare to mitigate it, write Josh Gupta-Kagan and Mary Eschelbach Hansen.

‘Who Counts as a Black Student’ Is Not a New Debate

Ifeyinwa Onyenekwu and Chrystal A. George Mwangi offer context behind a recent debate at Cornell University.

Ethical College Admissions: Reality Therapy for Applicants

Jim Jump considers the ethics associated with telling high school students their odds of getting in to certain colleges.