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More Than Band-Aids

Colleges and Congress should respond to the student loan controversy -- but they should do so expansively, not with patchwork solutions, Frederick M. Hess and Juliet Squire argue.

An Anti-Progressive Syllabus

In the era of anthologies of criticism, Mark Bauerlein has some ideas of works to add.

Summer Summary

David Galef reports on how the faculty of U of All People is spending its time until classes resume.

Counterpoint: Antioch Chancellor Responds

News reports about the closure of the university's main College have shortchanged the value of the university's other campuses, Toni Murdock argues.

Are American Scientists an Endangered Species?

Marc Zimmer offers a new way of looking at a crisis facing American colleges and universities.

Time for a Wartime Higher Ed Tax Policy

Will colleges and universities yield on new buildings for funds to keep low-income students in school and help veterans go to college? Wick Sloane asks.

'Dude, You're a Fag'

"There's a faggot over there! There's a faggot over there! Come look!" Brian, a senior at "River" High School yelled...

Casaubon on Viagra

The cliché of the absent-minded, asexual professor is dead. Scott McLemee looks at "the new academic stereotype."