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A Challenge to Billion Dollar Endowments

Bruce Simon writes about how the debate looks when your institution's entire budget would be a rounding error for Harvard, and offers suggestions for the wealthiest universities.

Beyond Pledges and Light Bulbs

Universities that want to really have an impact on global climate change should focus on their research and spurring the creation of green businesses, writes Larry Edward Penley.

Attending a Conference, Looking for an Exit

Terry Caesar recalls presentations in search of an audience, and other awkward moments.

All for Nought?

The decade is winding down. Scott McLemee wonders what it was all about...

'Telling' Hard Truths About War

With American society divided for and against the war, returning veterans tend to be viewed more as issues than as...

The Future of Accreditation?

Judith S. Eaton looks ahead to 2014, when the events of the past year may have laid the groundwork for irrevocable change in federal regulation of higher education.

Teaching and Tae Kwon Do

In learning how to break boards, Elisabeth R. Gruner picks up some ideas for her classroom.

Learning to Teach Tech-Savvy Students

Shari Dinkins considers the reading and resources she used to rethink her use of technology.