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Alive and Well

Forget the conventional wisdom about how the recession and student interests in preparing for jobs are dooming the liberal arts, writes Mary B. Marcy.

Subprime Student Loans

Federal loans should go to those who are most likely to benefit from higher education, not to everyone who can enroll, writes Jackson Toby.

Soon-to-Be Open Secret

A federal investigation into admissions preferences for men will expose a serious problem, and raise the question of why college leaders won't talk about it, writes Richard Whitmire.

A Semester of Midnights

Forty-five large pizzas, one U.S. senator, and Aristotle and the rhetorical triangle. Wick Sloane and his students report from the land of late night classes.

Calling the 'Inertia Busters'

Education Secretary Arne Duncan delivered a tough message to state colleges last month: Despite the cascading effects of the recession...

Where Are the Students?

Young people are surprisingly absent from the health care debate, even though the stakes are high for them, write Laura Stark and her students.

A Gladiator of Letters

The Savage Detectives and 2666 make literature feel like a matter of life and death. Scott McLemee interviews a prominent Bolaño-logist.

The Wrong Rescue Plan

Public universities need help, but that doesn't mean the values of the Morrill Act should be discarded by favoring a few institutions over the rest, writes M. Duane Nellis.