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The Carnegie Unit: Articulate and Expressive

There is no national emergency, writes Bernard Fryshman: Higher education's longstanding method of defining academic credit remains valid today.

Putting the Ph.D.'s to Work

Even old news can be dismal, and that is the case at hand. For about 40 years, by my calculation...

Meatball Surgery of the Mind

The psychiatric emergency room is where people have the worst day of their lives. Scott McLemee recommends a gripping memoir.

Janus Generation

Are students lazy, technologically sophisticated or both? Jerry Pattengale evaluates the evidence.

Accreditation 2.0

With the system of higher education self-regulation under intense scrutiny, Judith Eaton envisions what its next iteration might look like.

Choosing Sides

By urging mandated bachelor’s degrees for nurses, Carnegie Foundation’s important new report risks polarizing nursing education community, writes Beverly Malone.

Love and Death in Indiana

A black, gay professor is murdered in cold blood in Bloomington. Scott McLemee looks into a hate crime.

The Federal Regulatory Compliance Fee

Colleges should add a line to their tuition bills to help students (and politicians) understand just how much they spend on federal requirements, Diane Auer Jones writes.