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Wild Kingdom

A paleontologist explores the outer reaches of the evolution of sex in a new book. Scott McLemee feels kind of dirty just thinking about it.

MOOCs' Missing Pieces

Before these massive online courses truly transform higher education, they need to focus on some key teaching issues, writes Gary S. May.

MOOCs' Contradictions

Universities are going to have difficulty if they continue to claim the content of the new courses is of the same caliber as traditional courses, and yet decline to award full credit, writes David Touve.

University Press Realities

Higher education depends on scholarly publishing, even if most institutions don't do anything to foot the bill, write Alex Holzman, Douglas Armato and MaryKatherine Callaway.

What Our Work Is

Laurence Musgrove describes the complicated and ultimately rewarding nature of teaching.

Can Do for Community Colleges

Community colleges can do better despite the challenges they face, Joshua Wyner writes, citing leaders on graduation rates and student outcomes.

Is It History Yet?

Historians discuss the challenge of writing about the recent past. Scott McLemee tries to put things in context.

Analyzing Penn State

Steve Weinberg, a critic of big-time college football and longtime friend of Graham Spanier, considers two new books on the Sandusky scandal.