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The Blown Opportunity

It's time for colleges to make sure that every student has a mentor, writes Brandon Busteed.

That’s Just, Like, Your Opinion, Man

Rebecca Schuman responds to an essay criticizing her columns in Slate.

Snuffing Corruption

Zephyr Teachout's Corruption in America charts a steady drift from early idealism to the cynical status quo. Scott McLemee takes a first look.

The Anti-Academic’s Anti-Academic

Charles Green looks at the writing of Rebecca Schuman and finds generalizations and stereotypes perfect for those who want to bash academe, rather than understand and improve it.

Higher Ed Needs TEACH Act

Students, colleges and publishers will all benefit from legislation that higher education lobbying groups are opposing, write Bea Awoniyi and Stephan J. Smith.

Taking Male Students Seriously

As too many male students fail to enroll or succeed in higher education, writes Rocco L. Capraro, the ideas of men's studies point to a path forward.

Holding On to What We've Got

With its retention rate tumbling, U of All People brainstorms about some ideas to keep its students happy (or captive). David Galef recounts.

Merger Causes and Consequences

Susan Resneck Pierce considers the questions college leaders need to ask.