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Advancing Apprenticeships

If the administration’s expanded apprenticeship program is to succeed, it must ensure a baseline of quality and rigor, alignment with industry standards, and equity in access and participation, writes Cassius O. Johnson.

Ethical College Admissions: Female Students and Debt

Jim Jump asks whether colleges' practices contribute to gender inequities.

Everyone Lost at Dartmouth

A scholar's decision to decline an appointment as dean of the faculty after controversy over his support of a statement calling for an Israel boycott is a defeat for all sides, argue Cary Nelson and other members of the Alliance for Academic Freedom.

Senator, Come Visit My Classroom

Lawmakers who think higher education is broken -- and that “innovation” and more assessment can fix it -- would learn a lot from seeing the learning process up close and personal, Bernard Fryshman writes.

Measuring Learning Outcomes From Military Service

Colleges educating nontraditional learners would do well to study the Army’s competency-based approach, writes Steven Delvaux.

Why Students Are Anxious About Employment

Many young people have precious little experience in the working world -- which makes it more incumbent on universities (and their faculties) to help prepare them better for it, Ryan Craig argues.

For-Profit Universities 2.0

The institutions must recapture public trust and return to their roots as work force-focused innovators if they are to recover from their woes, Deborah Seymour and Michael Horn write.

Winnowing the Field

If nonprofit colleges and universities had been subjected to the same regulatory red tape in their early years as for-profit institutions have been recently, the sector would not have survived, argues William G. Durden.