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Restoring America’s Place in the World

Colleges must double down on their commitment to excellence in international education, write Margee M. Ensign and Aaron Williams, through a new national service program for young people.

A Perfect Storm, a Perfect Partnership Opportunity

By working more effectively together, colleges and the Peace Corps could help each other address the myriad global challenges of a post-pandemic world, Kevin F. F. Quigley writes.

Paint Like Picasso

Jessica Binkley considers the changing landscape of college admissions for small private institutions.

How to Reopen Higher Ed

This is a national imperative, requiring New Deal-level funding and focus, write Irene Mulvey and Randi Weingarten.

Seeing Clearly the Blurred Boundaries

The division between work and home is being erased and has the potential to eradicate academic women's hard-earned gains toward equity, write Stephanie McNulty and Gretchen Meyers.

Following the Traces

Scott McLemee highlights some of the noteworthy books coming out in the first half of 2021.

The Power of Now for Higher Education

Although our natural instincts as college leaders are to go into hibernation until the pandemic passes, now is the time for us to lean into the work that we do, writes Mark Zupan.

Can’t Afford Not To

Today's financial challenges have led many colleges to believe they can't afford to invest in new initiatives, but the right ones may be their best hope for the future, argues Mick Starcevich.