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Texas Abortion Law Threatens Academic Freedom

While the law has received much warranted attention, including numerous legal challenges, what’s missing is the risk for educators of potential lawsuits, writes Andrew Joseph Pegoda.

Mark Twain and Critical Race Theory

Laura Skandera Trombley and Ann Ryan explore Mark Twain’s writing as just one example of how thoroughly American it is to try to unravel the knot of race, racism and U.S. history.

IRB Roadblock

An overly restrictive institutional review board can take down an entire academic program and weaken the research reputation of a university, writes Dale R. Wagner.

A Natural Experiment

Both the use of COVID-19 stimulus funding to pay back outstanding student debt balances and federal relief proposals have the same major flaw: they are one-time options, writes Catharine B. Hill.

The Future of Higher Ed Is Occurring at the Margins

Combined, the current trends tell us that, taken as a whole, colleges and universities must brace for five new realities, Arthur Levine and Scott Van Pelt write.

Let’s Skip the College Application Mania

The press needs to stop covering admissions as a game, writes Patrick O'Connor.

‘Neo-Nationalism and Universities’

Scott McLemee discusses a timely new book with its editor, John Aubrey Douglass.

Seizing First Impressions

Darryll Pines and KerryAnn O’Meara describe the important role they play in strengthening an institution’s identity, values and impact.