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Questions Harvard Needs to Answer

Jun-Han Su and Hao Wu write that the university needs to assure Asian-American applicants that they aren't the subject of bias in the admissions process.

Ethical College Admissions: The Harvard Admissions Case

Jim Jump reviews the latest briefs. He's not convinced of discrimination, but he does have a lot of questions.

The Idea of the University Today

How have institutions like the University of Oxford endured for centuries through so many dramatic changes, asks Reverend John I. Jenkins, and what might their staying power teach us now?

The Hunger Project

Scott McLemee reviews Alex de Waal's Mass Starvation: The History and Future of Famine.

Race and Foreign Language

Deborah Parker describes how it feels to be an Asian faculty member in Italian, a field in which there are very few minorities, and how greater diversification offers a way forward.

Textbook Rentals: Symptom, Not Cause

The runaway cost of instructional materials is a worry, but it's not even close to the biggest problem for students, writes Jason Katzman.

The Costly Downside to Ditching AP

While the program has its downsides, schools looking to give their students a more equal footing as college candidates shouldn’t overlook the benefits, argues Ali Lincoln.

The Problem That Would Not Be Tolerated Elsewhere

Despite a silence that is “brutal,” the medical profession has known for decades that significant numbers are being sexually harassed on campuses, argues Billie Wright Dziech.