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Public University Budgets: Not Always So Simple

Administrators must manage a complex set of internal subsidies and cross-subsidies, yet dictates from on high run counter to this reality, argues Michael Martin.

All Fall

Scott McLemee offers a roundup of books from this coming autumn's university press catalogs and more.

Students, Would You Like Fries With That?

To be treated as a worthless and expendable member of society is, unfortunately, all too common in service-industry jobs, but this culture has now infected college classrooms, argues Liz Mayo.

Rethinking Campus Mental Health

If colleges focus more on connection, we may find we already have more of the resources we need to tackle many of the challenges our students face, argues Gary Glass.

Context From the College Board -- or a White Flag?

This new tool may be a sign of just how many challenges face the College Board and supporters of the SAT, writes Nicholas Soodik.

Ethical College Admissions: Is It Time to End Admissions Preferences for Athletes?

All the chatter about the decision of the University of Michigan's basketball coach to move to the NBA has Jim Jump thinking about more important issues.

Hope for Faculty Off the Tenure Track?

Forward-thinking colleges are adopting creative and distinct solutions to support adjunct faculty. Other institutions must learn by example, Adrianna Kezar argues.

Six Aphorisms

Laurence Musgrove shares thoughts in poetry.