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Understanding and Navigating Cognitive Biases: Part 2

Sebastian Wraight, Nicholas C. Burbules, C. K. Gunsalus and Robert A. Easter explore how to reduce the problems cognitive biases can produce in your academic department.

The Good Enough Sabbatical

Deborah J. Cohan had the preconceived idea that certain conditions needed to be met for her sabbatical to be fulfilling and meaningful, but she's learned how to tame her expectations.

What to Do Immediately After an Interview

Derek Attig outlines steps you should take to set yourself up for success in the next stages of the hiring process and beyond.

The Best Way Out Is Always Through

Sriram Khé describes what he wishes he learned in graduate school, especially when it comes to advising students.

Powering Up Your Résumé for a Nonfaculty Job Search

The strongest ones are written from scratch and are carefully crafted to appeal to a particular audience: the hiring manager, advise Jennifer Polk and L. Maren Wood.

Returning to Grappling

Josh Herring explains why, in his life and career, he opts not to live gnostically and embraces Brazilian jujitsu.

What We Mean When We Talk About Lectures

Calls to abolish the lecture are futile because people's views and methods diverge so widely, argues Joshua Eyler.

Rethinking Your Career Experiment

Sometimes, despite all your carefully laid plans, the results are not what you expect, says Erica A. Gobrogge.