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The Enemy of Any Job Search

Social comparison can make an already stressful situation much worse, writes Irina Filonova, who offers some strategies for how to deal with it.

Equity and Justice in Teaching Quantitative Methods

While such methods are often considered value-free and unbiased, we must recognize how our classroom practices can reinforce oppressive ideologies and narratives, writes Kamden K. Strunk.

Dogs and My Academic Life

Kevin P. Reilly describes how, over his career, his three different dogs have each had the appropriate personality to help him get through that specific phase of his life.

A Pedagogy of Trust in the Classroom

Should we professors set aside at times the well-meaning how-to-think ethos, asks Scott Parker, in favor of forcefully articulating which ideas are permissible or not?

10 Steps to Being an Endowed Chair or Distinguished Professor

Sydney Freeman Jr. and Nicholas D. Hartlep suggest some perhaps-overlooked options for faculty members interested in pursuing these positions.

Overcoming New-Job Anxiety

Diane A. Safer provides specific recommendations for both a career counselor guiding Ph.D. grads and postdocs before they start new positions as well as those trainees once they’re on the job.

A Welcome-Back Newsletter From Your President

With tongue in cheek, Christina Wyman shares a campus leader’s plans for the year ahead -- and especially for this implicit bias module season.

How to Raise Your Leadership EQ

Jacob J. Ryder, Nicolas C. Burbules, BrandE Faupell and C. K. Gunsalus offer advice to academics for enhancing the vital quality of emotional intelligence in their work groups.