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A Boss Focused on Body Size

C.K. Gunsalus offers advice to an employee whose supervisors comment regularly on her appearance.

2-Year Interview Questions -- II

Eric Baer shares another round of questions -- touching on student populations and potentially challenging situations -- asked of those seeking to teach at community colleges.

2-Year Interview Questions - I

Eric Baer shares questions asked of those seeking to teach at community colleges.

Should You Teach Online?

Chloe Yelena Miller offers advice on deciding whether to make the leap, and how to do so.

Post-Convention Strategy

If your interviews at your disciplinary association's annual meeting didn't land you campus visits, what's next? Anna Faktorovich explores the options.

A Patronizing Colleague

C.K. Gunsalus analyzes a situation without easy solutions.

Why We Said No

Timothy Larsen answers the top questions he hears, as a member of a faculty search committee, from those who don't get the job.

The Interview in the Sciences

A faculty member shares tips for candidates for tenure-track jobs.