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Making Courageous Decisions in Higher Education

In challenging times, how can you best move forward and not become frozen by the difficult choices, severe doubt or analysis paralysis? Patrick Sanaghan shares five key lessons.

Decoding Diversity Statements for International Ph.D.s

Of all the academic job search documents, it’s often the most problematic for such students to conceptualize, write and discuss orally, writes Olga Koutseridi, who provides four pieces of advice.

A Tool to Support and Protect Grad Students

After analyzing numerous department handbooks, Catalysts for Science Policy members offer five recommendations for improving them in ways that build a healthier, more productive environment.
Man sits at desk and behind him one sees a huge shadow of him with a long pointed nose

7 Hard Truths and a Few Lies

Jennifer Snodgrass shares some of the negative realities of academic life that people often avoid discussing, while offering some advice for dealing with them along the way.

How Learning Feels Now

Christopher Schaberg and his students sketch a portrait of the college classroom after months of COVID.

The Promise and Perils of Master’s Degrees

Despite the views of some critics, such programs are generally a good investment, writes Gillian R. Hayes, who offers five strategies for ensuring students have valuable experiences.

Graduate Students Should Seek Multiple Mentors

You need guidance beyond what a faculty adviser can offer, writes Tithi Basu Mallik, who recommends identifying other people who can provide three key dimensions of support.

Applying an Equity Lens to COVID Impact Statements

Documenting the pandemic’s effect, especially on women faculty and those of color, is vital, write Donna Riley and Mangala Subramaniam, who offer advice on how to assess such statements.