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The Seizure That Made Me a College Professor

In a moment, Jake Maynard discovered, his students wanted him to be more than the fun and casual instructor they'd come to know.

Balancing Wellness and a Job Search

Monitoring your health in a job search can make a difference, Lauren Easterling advises.

The Fear of Hugging

Most institutions take no formal position on hugging, writes Dan Subotnik, so what's one to do?

Why Listening Matters for Leaders

It can help you build a healthy and productive unit in a least three significant ways, write Sebastian Wraight, Nicholas C. Burbules, Elizabeth A. Luckman and C. K. Gunsalus.

10 Red Flags in Grant Writing

Grant writing can occupy a disproportionate amount of faculty time and energy, write Jude Mikal and Sarah Grace, who offer advice to help ensure that such time and energy are well spent.

If You Want to Lead, Start With a Vision

Working toward a clearly defined one creates educational opportunities that benefit your students and your institution, writes Cheryl Norton.

Approaching Your Internship With Intention

Despite the daunting nature of engaging in an internship in graduate school, the pros can outweigh the cons, writes Tina Solvik.

An Empath’s Guide to Surviving Academe

Rose Ernst provides advice for avoiding a slow, smoldering burnout.