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Dying on Our Swords

Nate Kreuter considers how professors should respond to the "do more with less" mantra they hear time and again.

Inside and Outside the Classroom

Joseph Fruscione introduces a new column on careers and lives off the tenure track.

Conference Eating in Philly

Our conference-going gourmands check out the culinary treats of the City of Brotherly Love.

The Jobs We Want?

"Alt-ac" positions may be great for some, but Miriam Posner wonders if they are being oversold as a solution to the shortage of academic positions.

Job Search Geographies

Cheryl E. Ball urges academics starting their careers not to be too quick to rule out certain parts of the United States as suitable places in which to work and live.

Negotiation Tips for New Faculty

On the job market? Anticipating an offer? Elizabeth Simmons offers advice on what you need to know to make your upcoming negotiation a success.

Lessons From Wyoming

Susan Resneck Pierce looks at a very short-term presidency and asks if there are lessons about how a new campus leader can promote change and build support for a new agenda.

'And Your Preferred Pronoun'?

Eric Joy Denise explains the importance of asking the question.