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Balancing Leadership and Life

It’s possible to be an excellent administrative leader and still find time for leisure, health and social connections, write Joya Misra and Jennifer Lundquist, and here’s how.

10 Tips for Thriving, Not Just Surviving, in Graduate School

Just about everyone is trying to cope with new circumstances and environments, writes Victoria Reyes, who provides some helpful advice.

Trigger Warning: Academic Standards Apply

Howard V. Hendrix explains a new way he plans to deal with what some students characterize as the stress of his too-high demands in class.

Perfecting Your Panel Interview Game

Job interviews with groups of people are quite different than one-on-ones with individuals, and you never quite know what will happen. Saundra Loffredo gives some helpful advice.

Amplifying the Voices of Sexual Violence Survivors

It is more important than ever that we in higher education work to make space for survivors to tell their stories, writes Eric Joy Denise.

Creating Space for Academic Babies

Academics must rid themselves of outdated gendered and racialized perceptions of working parents, argues Whitney N. Laster Pirtle.

Supporting Academic Staff

Elizabeth H. Simmons offers advice on how deans, chairs and directors can make academics outside the tenure system feel valued, rewarded, included and consulted.

Nondisclosure Agreements: Be Cautious

Signing one may make it difficult for you to get another job, warns Robert Holyer.