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An Academic Lottery or a Meritocracy?

Whichever one I’m working in as a Ph.D. student, I’d like some real data about how to improve my career chances, writes Andrew Jacob Cuff.

Getting Things Done in Higher Education

You need to know your internal influencers, and the problem is that they don’t necessarily follow formal reporting structures, titles or positions in higher education, writes Ellen de Graffenreid.

Women in Leadership Searches

Female candidates tend to do better as recruitment processes progress, a study finds.

Gender Gaps Shrinking and Lingering

New research suggests limited role for gender in predicting whether new Ph.D.s will get tenure-track jobs, but notable differences on pay and other issues, favoring men.

Needed: Flexible Mentors in Science

Adriana Bankston provides advice for how research scientists can positively influence the personal and professional development of the trainees who work in their labs.

Sexual Violence and Graduate School

An anonymous writer examines how to make higher education, in particular graduate education, more supportive for sexual assault survivors.

Raising Strong Women in a Culture of Rape

Sarah Prior and Brooke de Heer, who teach and research about campus sexual assault, say they're more cognizant of the issues as mothers raising daughters.

Truths to Be Told

Terri E. Givens, now a provost, considers the twists and turns of her career, wondering how much her outward success reflects her unseen struggles as a black woman in academe.