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How to Complete a Ph.D. in 5 Years

Spending a very long time in graduate school is expensive and impractical, writes Keisha N. Blain, who describes how to increase the likelihood of finishing faster.

Tips for a Successful Job Talk

Stephen J. Aguilar outlines some suggestions to help you avoid common pitfalls.

From the Eyes of a Recruiter

Ruth Gotian describes what she sees in job candidates from the other side of the recruitment conference booth.

Demystifying Résumé Writing

Graduate students should view it as another piece of research-based writing -- with themselves as the subject, writes Melissa Dalgleish.

Reflections From the Outgoing Editor of ‘Conditionally Accepted’

As they step down as editor, Eric Anthony Grollman, the founder of “Conditionally Accepted,” writes about creating a platform for marginalized scholars and thanks its many contributors.

Introducing the New Editor of ‘Conditionally Accepted’

Victor Ray, the new editor of “Conditionally Accepted,” describes his vision for the column going forward.

Why Don’t Educators in Higher Ed Take Education Classes?

If we’re in higher education to educate, Jillian Joyce asks, what keeps college teachers from learning more about teaching?

Teaching Rereading

Students may resist it, but rereading a literary text offers many benefits, argues Rachel Wagner.