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hand paging through a guidebook

Guidance for an Often Thankless Task

Laura L. Behling gives advice for revising the Faculty Handbook, which can be challenging and take longer than hoped but is nevertheless crucial for faculty and institutions alike.

Illustration of female professional standing in a large maze

Way Finding

When you look back over your entire career and life, Victoria McGovern asks, who said or did something that helped guide you?

In Defense of Presence

Hanna Tervanotko and Helen Dixon make the case that prioritizing in-person exchanges can significantly enhance research creativity.

Diversity Work, Meaningful Work and Faculty Workload

Joya Misra, Dawn Culpepper and KerryAnn O’Meara offer four strategies for ensuring workload and rewards systems equitably recognize the efforts of women faculty of color.

The Promise of Pedagogical Play

It can be valuable for not only children but also grown-ups, write Niya Bond and Todd Zakrajsek, and in fact should be a priority for academics’ professional development.

Dear Colleagues: We Have an Image Problem

A website full of smiling faces is more appealing than a list of faculty members’ names, writes Jeremy Birnholtz, but unrestricted availability of photos poses risks.

Postdocs Need People, Especially Each Other

The impulse to reach out and talk to another human being is what will help you the most right now—and also in the future, writes Briana Mohan.

20 Years of Experiencing Asian Invisibility in Academe

While some people may dismiss the phenomenon as no big deal, it is so strong that it’s as if a person does not physically exist, writes Keith Nabb.