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Radical Self-Care

Kerry Ann Rockquemore offers advice for faculty members feeling exhausted by racial battle fatigue.

Professional Development on a Ph.D.'s Schedule

Time is limited, but doctoral students and postdocs need to keep adding skills, writes Thomas Magaldi.

The Longest Job Visit

Jonathan Wynn spent six years as a visiting assistant professor and offers advice (and warnings) to those who might find themselves on a similar path.

How to Keep On Writing

Ulf Kirchdorfer regrets that too many of his academic colleagues don’t write, and offers ideas on how they might.

Welcoming Trans Academics

Lisa Hager offers advice on how to create an inclusive environment for departmental colleagues and conference attendees.

Gadgets on the Road

Eszter Hargittai shares tips on what to take on overseas work trips -- and how to make your tools effective.

Are You a Team Player?

Kerry Ann Rockquemore offers advice on how to handle a criticism that many receive on the road to tenure -- and a perception that needs to be faced promptly.

Developing Your Story

Engage mentors to figure out the best career path, even if that path is outside academe or isn't what a mentor may have initially expected, writes Stephanie K. Eberle.