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Stop Asking Candidates to Pay for Job Interviews

Job interviews at the annual Modern Language Association convention contribute to a system that leads to graduate students' impoverishment, argues MLA head Paula M. Krebs.

Outside Higher Ed: Running for Office as Alt-Ac

Emily Anderson describes her path from grad school to elected office.

Teamwork That Works

Carol Marchetti provides tips for teaching your students how to make the most of working in groups.

Graduate Advising Matters

Concerned about the quality of graduate student advising, Stanford professors approve changes to advising requirements and guidelines.

Managing Up in Academe

Kristy J. Sherrer discusses some industry strategies for effective professional communication and productivity.

Dismantling Whiteness in Academe: Part 2

Salvador Vidal-Ortiz explores how to begin to dismantle the workings of whiteness and redistribute power dynamics in academe.

Telling Your Tenure Story

Christine Tulley gives advice on developing a cohesive narrative in your tenure and promotion dossier.

In Defense of Posttenure Review

What is most valuable about them to professors, as well as to the institution, is that the process includes three accountability moments that force both the college and the professor to confront the facts of their performance, argues Michael Nelson.