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Dropout Professors

While the chances of a high-school dropout becoming a professor remain low, Gretchen Soderlund shares lesson from a few, including herself, who made the grade.

Developing Your Thought Leadership for Any Career

Nana Lee provides guidance to graduate students on how to answer the common question “Should I consider academe or industry?”

Do the Work

Jia Zheng and Jalah Townsend share some key strategies to help higher education institutions retain faculty who are Black, Indigenous and women of color.

Coping With Postdefense Depression

No one ever warns you that, once you come down from your champagne-soaked high, the fact that it's actually all over will hit you like a ton of bricks, warns Angel M. Jones.

In-Class Career Discernment

Alison Clark Efford describes the value of setting aside time in each class with her graduate students to discuss the humanities, careers and the good life.

When Is Criticism Bullying?

David Mihalyfy offers four general pointers for thinking through when disagreeable comments might signal something more serious.

Lessons From the Trenches of Motherhood and Academe

Academic parents and caregivers find efficiency a necessity, writes Rebekah Layton, who offers tips for how to manage your time and energy.

The Somewhat Surprising Benefits of Book Groups

More than a year into pandemic teaching, faculty members have become experts at building an online community for our students, writes A.J. Sell, but have we done the same for ourselves?