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Picking Up the Pieces From the Pandemic

A return to the status quo now would further solidify the engrained systems within our institutions that have long been problematic, write Wilmarie Rodriguez and Amy Carpenter.

The Trailing Spouse

If colleges are interested in real diversity work, their spousal accommodation policies for dual-career academic couples should be much clearer and more supportive, argues Mireille Rebeiz.

Starting Off Right With the Syllabus

We can create more engaging and inspiring ways to begin a class, write Cathy N. Davidson and Christina Katopodis, who provide some concrete ideas for how to do so.

Pick a Pace

With forward-looking investments, leaders can replace a cadence of frantic action with one that’s appropriate yet also realistic and sustainable for their team, advises Laurie Fenlason.

Shape Your Ph.D.

Sonali Majumdar and James M. Van Wyck encourage graduate students to connect with the vast social and intellectual ecosystem on campus beyond their departments.

Stop Blaming Faculty of Color

Colleges should make good on the promises they have made about diversity, equity and inclusion and actually do the work of making real change, Sydney Freeman Jr. writes.

Could Reducing ‘Sludge’ Increase Faculty Morale?

Ever had to wait forever to speak with someone to report a simple problem? If so, then you know exactly what sludge is and how infuriating it can be, Kevin Van Winkle writes.

It’s Not (Always) the Students’ Fault

Eric Vanden Eykel describes how he learned firsthand how faculty members’ failings can become opportunities for positive change.