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Continuing Questions Re: Careers Beyond Academe

Why is it that no amount of conversation on the topic seems to meet the ever-increasing demand for it? Jocelyn Frelier, a former faculty member, asks and provides some answers.

Ensuring Underrepresented Grad Students’ Well-Being

Dinuka Gunaratne and Punita Lumb provide strategies to help racially minoritized students replenish their social resource capital so as to navigate the challenges of grad school successfully.

Advice on Academic Journal Submissions

Wayne Journell shares his firsthand knowledge and insights into the thought processes that editors go through when deciding whether to accept or reject a manuscript.

Coping With Course Evaluations

Life coaching and a Louise Penny novel changed the way I read even critical ones, writes Diane LeBlanc.

In Praise of Folly

We should help students in our literature classes to transcend the too-common notion that “the film was funny but the book was not,” writes Douglas King.

The Feminization of the Department Chair

The growing numbers of women in the position confront a job with mushrooming demands and stresses yet relatively little institutional support, writes Nazli Kibria.

In 2023, Expand Your List of Dreams

A career is only part of life, writes Victoria McGovern. When you look back someday, what else would you want to see that you have done?

Red Flags, Green Signals and the White Gaze

Reshmi Dutt-Ballerstadt offers advice about how underrepresented faculty members can best navigate campus visits at predominantly white institutions.