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Posttenure Depression?

Some people struggle with disappointment and disengagement when they move from one rank to another. Kerry Ann Rockquemore gives advice on how to avoid that.

How to Get Writing Done

To advance in academe you must publish. But where to find the time?

Ask the Right Questions

Candidates for tenure should not count on their departments or colleagues to clearly lay out what's expected of them, Rena Seltzer writes.

A Dozen Slides

If you don't follow certain standard conventions when giving an academic job talk, you risk communicating a lack of professionalism, writes Philip N. Howard.

Third-Party Recruiters and Ph.D. Candidates

Natalie Lundsteen offers advice for doctoral students and postdocs looking for nonacademic jobs and considering working with headhunters.

Year One on the Tenure Track

Christopher Garland found unexpected challenges and rewards in his new faculty job, and he shares some lessons for others seeking that holy grail.

Why Is It So Hard to Find Mentors?

Kerry Ann Rockquemore writes about the importance of being specific about your needs.

'Leave the Gun. Take the Cannoli.'

Tapping into her favorite movie lines, K. Johnson Bowles offers advice for the new administrator.