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Build Your Résumé From the Bones Up

Taking a fresh look at how you tell your workplace story may help renew your zest for research, affirm your value and steer you in the right direction, Victoria McGovern writes.

Removing Barriers to Entry

Lindsay Hansen Brown outlines what you can do to stand out when applying for an academic library job.

Why Books Still Matter: Part 1

Rebecca Alpert explores what we should be teaching graduate students in the humanities today—such as how to navigate writing a book-length work.

Teaching Centers Need to Step Up

Now is the time to take a leadership role and help faculty members understand that we actually know a lot about teaching and learning, writes Christopher M. Hakala.

Principal Investigators, Improve Your Graduate Mentoring

Or I won’t send my students to you, writes Emily Heffernan, voicing her concern about how many leave STEM (and other) fields due to bad mentoring experiences.

Embracing the Intermissions in Life

Nana Lee explains why graduate students and postdocs shouldn’t worry that taking a gap year will disadvantage them in their professional development and career.

Enabling Midcareer Faculty of Color to Thrive

We must ask how prevailing policies and practices are -- and are not -- recognizing the contributions of those faculty members and provide the support they need to succeed, write Sydney Freeman Jr. and Laura W. Perna.

Time Is Not on Your Side

When crises occur, all higher education leaders are called upon to shift their leadership style, yet the response to these changes may differ along gender lines, argues Rachel Schreiber.