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Combating Isolation

The thrill of being hired for a tenure-track job can easily be replaced by feeling all alone in a new town, far from your loved ones. Kerry Ann Rockquemore helps you evaluate your options.

To Be Unaccepted

Stephanie Buckhanon Crowder writes about being denied tenure -- and bouncing back.

Timing Is Everything

Natalie Lundsteen discusses calendars and scheduling in the new Ph.D. job search.

Reflections on Advising Graduate Students

Given how little training professors get on advising grad students, David H. Monk offers ideas on the principles that should guide that working relationship.

Sending the Wrong Messages

College send subtle and not-so-subtle messages to new faculty hires, and frequently these early lessons hurt morale and the sense of community, writes Becky Wai-Ling Packard.

Austistic in Academe

An anonymous scholar shares her experience.

Off the Rails

Karla P. Zepeda recalls a set of odd and inappropriate interview questions -- and how she dealt with them.

Learning to Say No

Ellen Mayock reviews how to set priorities, and how that should lead you to reject most -- but not all -- service requests.