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How to Have ‘The Talk’ About Leaving Academe

Karin Johnson offers a graduate student’s insight into how she had the conversation with her adviser -- and how it went.

Experiencing COVID-Style Classroom Teaching

Christine I. McClure shares her firsthand experiences and observations teaching an in-person class this summer.

Pursuing Your Research as a Scholar-Administrator

In the midst of the pandemic, we should revisit our goals and motivations, be creative in balancing our multiple roles, and seek to avoid burnout, Brandy L. Simula advises.

Biscuits & Radical Poetry

Alfreda James offers some self-care essentials for graduate students.

Through a Deficit Lens

Sarah Manchanda critiques the reinforcing roles race and gender can play in the institutional othering of disability.

Rethinking Professional Meetings and Conferences

If you are planning one that now has to take place online, Sheldon H. Jacobson offers recommendations for how to make the most of the situation.


Ralph James Savarese, a professor of English, pens a poem about the push for in-person teaching on campuses this fall.

On ‘Difficult’ Conversations

Framing discussions as such further marginalizes diverse students by labeling them as promoting identity politics when, in fact, all course content reflects identity politics, argues Derisa Grant.