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Person looking at a job website on a computer, with papers with data around it

What Data Tell Us About Landing a Faculty Job

Surveying recent applicants has provided insights into five key factors for success, writes Chris Smith.

Legs and arm of a man lifting a heavy barbell in a gym

Too Heavy to Go It Alone

William Cunion describes what guidance from his fitness coach has reminded him about the importance of feedback in teaching.

Man sits before computer and cup of coffee with a question mark coming out of his head

Stuck in Your Writing?

Cultivate readers for your work and build a network of them to draw upon throughout your writing process, advises Jennifer Ahern-Dodson.

Four students in a lab, with one conducting an experiment while others watch

Tackling the STEM Skills Gap in 3 Weeks

If we stand a chance of catching up to the rapid advancement of technology, it’s time to speed up the skills development of today’s students, write Justin Shaffer, John Spear, Kalen L. Rasmussen and Patrick H. Thieringer.

Cal Fire firefighters serve Camp Fire evacuees during a community Thanksgiving dinner at California State University, Chico

Helping Students Deal With Disasters

Even though we’re on the front lines, faculty members often don’t know how to respond, writes Betty S. Lai.

Check-mark icon with triangle shaped lines and dots against a digital background

The Case for Digital Badges for Ph.D.s

Sasha Bianca Goldman explores five reasons why they could be a solution for delivering professional development and skill-building content.

Row of full bookshelves

Our Bookshelves, Ourselves

We get lots of advice when we retire, writes Robert Franciosi, but no one ever addresses the elephant in the room for some aging professors: What to do with all the books?

Woman stands before a wall of scientific data

Fostering Collaboration in Science

They’ve become increasingly important to science, but we don’t discuss our challenges with data, and academic culture can push us to work out problems alone, says Julia Stewart Lowndes.