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Making a Difference in Academe

Eric Anthony Grollman offers 101 suggestions.

Tracking Ph.D. Career Paths

Melanie Sinche writes that there may finally be momentum for gathering data crucial to helping doctoral students understand their opportunities.

How to Treat Adjuncts

Patrick Iber, working off the tenure track, considers the basics on how those who have tenure-track security should treat those who don't.

Finding a Job While A.B.D.

Melissa Dennihy offers advice on how to juggle the tasks.

Intentional Conferencing

Conference coming up? Mandi Stewart offers tips for making the most of it.

Know When to Walk Away

Brandon Withrow, discussing his own experience, describes how to tell if the time has come to give up a full-time job at a Christian college.

The Great Mismatch

Paula Krebs writes about the need for graduate programs at research universities to learn about the colleges that will actually employ their new Ph.D.s.

Use Your Words

Slight changes in phrasing can make all the difference in networking, cover letters, interviews and your mindset about a job search, writes Joseph Barber.