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Helping Foreign Students Speak Up

Andy Molinsky offers four tips for encouraging foreign students to participate in class.

How to Be a Better Networker

It's about building relationships, writes Gaia Vasiliver-Shamis, and as such, you should do it all the time and be in it for the long run.

You Deserve Better

Too many academics of color, and recent Ph.D.s in particular, are getting the misguided advice to accept the initial terms of a job offer, argues Sylvanna Falcón.

Let's Can Recommendation Letters

If we are seeking to have an unbiased system of student and employee selection, unencumbered by nepotism and personal favors, we should consider alternatives, argues Marney A. White.

Rethinking Leadership

Life after gaining tenure is new and unfamiliar territory, so it can be easy to overcommit yourself, warns Kerry Ann Rockquemore.

Hacking Graduate School Finances

Ray Sin provides a few suggestions for effectively managing your finances in graduate school.

Are Backup Career Plans Worth It?

Most Ph.D.s harbor some hope of getting a tenure-track job, but, Natalie Lundsteen asks, should they have -- or not have -- a backup career plan?

Advising as Activism

If we want college to work for everyone -- especially students on the margins -- we have to advise those who are most vulnerable, writes Wendy M. Christensen.