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Making Office Hours Matter

Megan Condis explores why so few students take advantage of office hours and gives some tips on how to get more of them to do so.

To Disclose or Not to Disclose?

When graduate students are searching for jobs, should they disclose any disabilities they may have? Sue Levine explores the question.

Wanted: Disabled Faculty Members

For many disabled scholars, the choices they face when negotiating job market accommodations are deeply complex, fraught and risky, argue Jay Dolmage and Stephanie Kerschbaum.


Without that extra push of likability, and often without senior scholars like us who can mentor us along the way, we have to work harder and smarter to succeed in academe, writes Shannon Craigo-Snell.

Put Me In, Coach

Laura Beard offers nine lessons those who work in higher education can learn from baseball.

Time for the Scholar-Activist

How can you find time to be both a scholar and an activist? Kerry Ann Rockquemore describes five models for pursuing both roles.

The Fuss

How can professors best introduce provocative material in the classroom in an age of trigger warnings, microaggressions and tweeting? Michael Bugeja tackles the issue.

Let Your STAR Potential Shine

Saundra Loffredo offers a four-step process to help you answer those challenging interview questions that require you to draw on previous experiences.